Page Properties
Any file that contains a page properties block as known as front matter is considered a valid page by Herbie. The page properties block must be at the beginning of the file. There must be valid YAML between two lines of three hyphens. This sounds a bit complicated, but it is quite simple. Here is an example for a page properties block:
title: Get started with your own website
layout: default.html
Predefined variables (see reference below) or custom variables can be used as page properties. These variables are available in all layout and content files as page variables. Here is an example:
{{ page.title }}
{{ page.layout }}
Predefined variables
There are some predefined and reserved variables that are used by the system. These can be assigned a value in the page properties block of a page.
Variable | Description | Type |
page.authors |
One or more authors of the page |
string[] |
page.cached |
If set the page is cached (depending if caching is active) |
bool |
page.cache_id |
The cache ID used for identifying when caching (read-only) |
string |
page.categories |
One or more categories, that belongs to the page |
string[] |
page.content_type |
The Content-Type of the page for the HTTP response, automatically set by Herbie. |
string |
page.created |
The creation time of the page. This value is not set automatically. |
string | |
The date of the page. The modification date or an explicitly set date. |
string |
page.excerpt |
The excerpt of the page body. |
string |
page.format |
The formatter like markdown or textile. Is set automatically depending on the file extension. |
string |
page.hidden |
If set the page is not visible in navigation elements like sitemap or breadcrumb. |
bool | |
The aliased ID of the page like |
string |
page.keep_extension |
If true the file extension is used for urls. Useful for xml pages like sitemap for search engines. |
bool |
page.layout |
The layout as basename (without file extension). Layout files are located in folder |
string |
page.menu_title |
The title for menu elements like sitemap or breadcrumb. If empty the page title will be shown. |
string |
page.modified |
The modification time of the page as ISO 8601 formatted string. This value is set automatically. |
string |
page.parent_id |
The aliased parent ID of the page like |
string |
page.parent_route |
The parent route of the page like |
string |
page.path |
The path to the page file, set per default. |
string |
page.redirect |
If set the request will be redirected to the given page. |
string|array |
page.route |
The route of the page like |
string |
page.segments |
The page content as associative key value array. The content is lazy loaded and not available until this member variable is accessed. |
array |
page.tags |
One or more tags that belongs to the page. |
string[] |
page.title |
The title of the page. |
string |
page.twig |
If set the page will be parsed by the Twig Renderer first (default: true). |
bool |
page.type |
The page type (default: page). |
string |
page.<name> |
Any numbers of custom variables. |
mixed |
Custom variables
Any custom variable in the page properties block that is not predefined will be automatically recognized by Herbie and made available in the layout files and page content.
For example, if you declare a variable class
, you can retrieve it in the layout file and use it to set a CSS class.
In the page properties you declare the value of the variable:
title: Welcome to my website!
class: home
In the page content itself, you can access these variables as follows:
{{ page.title }}
{{ page.layout }}
And in layout files you output the variables the same:
<title>{{ page.title }}</title>
<body class="{{ page.class }}">
This allows page variables to be used and enriched with additional custom variables of your choice.