Directory structure
A Herbie website is usually structured as follows:
├── site
├── vendor
└── web
├── assets
├── cache
├── media
├── .htaccess
└── index.php
What these files and directories stand for can be seen in the following table:
File/Directory | Description |
project | The project directory on the web server. |
site | The actual content of the website (see below). This directory is normally not accessible via the web. However, it can also be placed in the public directory. |
vendor | This directory is the Composer vendor and contains all dependent third-party libraries. This directory is not accessible via the web. |
web | The public directory of the web server. This can be accessed via the web browser. |
web/assets | The repository for JavaScript, CSS and image files, which are needed for the layout of the website. |
web/cache | The cache for files that should be publicly accessible, e.g. resized images. |
web/media | This directory contains files that are linked through the content. For example, images, PDFs, videos, MP3s, etc. |
web/.htaccess | If configuration option `components.urlManager.niceUrls` is enabled, this file must exist with corresponding instructions. |
web/index.php | The bootstrap file and part of Herbie. All requests to the web server go through this file. |
Site directory
Normally one works exclusively in the site
directory of the web project.
This is usually structured as follows:
├── config
│ └── main.php
├── data
│ ├── animals.json
│ └── persons.yml
├── extend
│ ├── commands
│ ├── events
│ ├── middlewares_app
│ ├── middlewares_route
│ ├── plugins
│ ├── twig_filters
│ ├── twig_functions
│ ├── twig_globals
│ └── twig_tests
├── pages
│ ├── company
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ ├──
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ ├──
│ └──
├── runtime
│ ├── cache
│ │ ├── system
│ │ └── twig
│ └── log
└── themes
└─ default
├── assets
├── default.html
└── error.html
The following table shows what each of these files and directories stand for:
File/Directory | Description |
config | The configuration directory with files in PHP format (the main file can also be a PHP file). |
data | The data directory where various data files in JSON or YAML format can be stored. |
extend | The directory with various customized extensions. |
extend/commands | Directory with customized console commands. |
extend/events | Directory with customized event listeners. |
extend/middlewares_app | Directory with customized application middlewares. |
extend/middlewares_route | Directory with customized route middlewares. |
extend/plugins | Directory with customized Plugins. |
extend/twig_filters | Directory with customized Twig Filters. |
extend/twig_functions | Directory with customized Twig Functions. |
extend/twig_globals | Directory with customized Twig Globals. |
extend/twig_tests | Directory with customized Twig Tests. |
pages | The CMS pages of the website. These are saved as text files (Markdown, Textile, Text, HTML). |
runtime | Directory with temporary files created during the program runtime. |
runtime/cache | Directory with cache files. |
runtime/cache/system | Directory with cache files for the system. |
runtime/cache/twig | Directory with cache files for Twig. |
runtime/log | Directory with log files from PHP or a PSR-3 compatible logger. |
themes | Directory with theme directories and files. |
themes/default | The directory with the default theme. Besides template files it contains CSS and JS files that are copied to the web assets directory at runtime. |
.htaccess file
If configuration option components.urlManager.niceUrls
is enabled, there must be an .htaccess
file with appropriate instructions in the web
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . index.php
Thus, all page views are passed on to the central index file. This is important for search engine optimization, for example, but also for visitors to the website.
Note: The above configuration is designed for Apache web server.