Cheat Sheet
The cheat sheet is still under construction, but here is a first part.
Page properties
title: Page title
layout: default
Output page properties in layout and content files:
{{ page.title }}
{{ page.layout }}
Allowed file extensions
htm, html, markdown, md, rss, rst, textile, txt, xml
Content segments
--- default ---
--- left ---
--- right ---
Output content segments in layout files:
{{ content.default }}
{{ content.left }}
{{ content.right }}
Event Listeners
Name | Description |
ContentRenderedEvent | Triggered after content was rendered |
LayoutRenderedEvent | Triggered after layout was rendered |
PluginsInitializedEvent | Triggered after plugins where initialized |
RenderLayoutEvent | Triggered when layout is rendered |
RenderPageEvent | Triggered when page is rendered |
RenderSegmentEvent | Triggered when segment is rendered |
ResponseEmittedEvent | Triggered after HTTP Response was emitted |
ResponseGeneratedEvent | Triggered after HTTP Response was generated |
TranslatorInitializedEvent | Triggered after translator was initialized |
TwigInitializedEvent | Triggered after twig was initialized |
Twig Filters
Name | Description |
format_size | Returns file size in a human readable format (B, KB, MB, GB, TB, PB). |
slugify | Returns a string slug for using as an URL segment. |
visible | Filters the page tree by visible and active page items. |
Twig Globals
Name | Description |
content | The rendered content with one or more content segments. Available only in layout files. |
page | The page object with its properties and methods. |
site | The site object with its properties and methods. |
Twig Functions
Name | Description |
css_add | Adds a CSS asset to the HTML page. |
css_classes | Returns a string with CSS classes, to be used within an HTML attribute, for example the html or body tag. This allows to address any page, theme, layout or language via CSS selector. Such a string looks like: "page-blog theme-default layout-blog language-en" |
css_out | Outputs the CSS assets for a given group. |
image | Returns an image markup tag. No image processing is performed. |
js_add | Adds a JavaScript asset to the HTML page. |
js_out | Outputs the JavaScript assets for a given group. |
link_file | Returns a link to a file with additional info like file type and size. |
link_mail | Returns a HTML mailto link. |
link_media | Returns a HTML link with a file from site/media folder. |
link_page | Returns a HTML link with label and attributes for a given route or an URL. |
menu_ascii_tree | Creates a text based (=ascii) tree of all pages. All parameters are optional and passed as named parameters. |
menu_breadcrumb | Returns a breadcrumb path for the given page. All parameters are passed as an associative array. |
menu_list | Returns a paginated list of page items with links to the first, previous, next, and last page. For the paging the GET query parameter "page" is used. |
menu_pager | Creates a pagination with links to the previous an next page within the current page branch. All parameters are optional and passed as named parameters (see twig). |
menu_sitemap | Creates a simple sitemap for all pages of the website based on an unordered list. All parameters are optional and passed as named parameters. |
menu_tree | Returns an HTML menu as unordered list. All parameters are optional and passed as named parameters. |
page_title | Returns the SEO optimized page title of the website. All parameters are optional and passed as named parameters. |
query | Find entries with the help of the built-in fluent query builder. The query builder can be applied to any type of iterable data structure. The queried data can be narrowed down, filtered, sorted and limited. |
snippet | Includes a snippet and outputs the rendered content of that file. Automatic escaping is disabled for all escaping strategies. |
translate | Translates a string according to the configuration and locale settings. |
url_abs | Returns the absolute URL for a given route. |
url_rel | Returns the relative URL to a given route. |
Twig Tests
Name | Description |
file_readable | Tests if the given alias or path exists and is readable. |
file_writable | Tests if the given alias or path exists and is writable. |
Console Commands
Name | Description |
clear-files | The clear-files command deletes asset, cache and log files from several directories. |
Name | Description |
Dummy | This system plugin shows all possibilities how to extend Herbie. The plugin is helpful during development, but should be disabled in productive environment. |
Imagine | This system plugin integrates Imagine, an OOP image editing library, into your Herbie website. Thanks to Imagine, you can edit images directly and apply ready-made filters and effects to them. |
Markdown | This system plugin can be used to parse markdown-formatted texts. Internally, the plugin is responsible for parsing markdown-formatted page content. |
Simplecontact | Simplecontact adds a simple contact form with name, email and message fields to a website created with Herbie. |
Simplesearch | Simplesearch adds a simple but effective search functionality to a website created with Herbie. |
Textile | This system plugin can be used to parse textile-formatted texts. Internally, the plugin is responsible for parsing textile-formatted page content. |
Twig | This system plugin provides several Twig filters, functions and tests that are useful for creating a web project with Herbie. |
reStructuredText | This system plugin can be used to parse reStructuredText-formatted texts. Internally, the plugin is responsible for parsing reStructuredText-formatted page content. |