System Info
Herbie provides a useful system information function that is helpful during development or troubleshooting. It outputs a large amount of information about the current state and environment of the system. For example, the current setup displays the following information.
System Info
- PHP Classes
- PHP Functions
- Aliases
- Configuration
- Translations
- Plugins
- Console Commands
- Event Listeners
- Middlewares
- Twig Filters
- Twig Globals
- Twig Functions
- Twig Tests
Console Commands (1)
Attached console commands, ordered by installation time.
# | Name |
1 | herbie\commands\ClearFilesCommand |
Aliases (10)
Registered aliases, ordered by name.
# | Name | Value |
1 | @app | / |
2 | @asset | /site/assets |
3 | @media | /site/media |
4 | @page | /site/pages |
5 | @plugin | /site/extend/plugins |
6 | @site | /site |
7 | @snippet | /templates/snippets |
8 | @sysplugin | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins |
9 | @vendor | /vendor |
10 | @web | /web |
Configuration (103)
Parsed configuration settings, ordered by name.
# | Name | Type | Value |
1 | charset | string | UTF-8 |
2 | components.dataRepository.adapter | string | yaml |
3 | components.downloadMiddleware.route | string | download |
4 | components.downloadMiddleware.storagePath | string | @site/media |
5 | components.fileCache.path | string | @site/runtime/cache/system |
6 | | string | herbie |
7 | components.fileLogger.level | string | error |
8 | components.fileLogger.path | string | @site/runtime/log/logger.log |
9 | components.flatFilePagePersistence.cache | boolean | 1 |
10 | components.flatFilePagePersistence.cacheTTL | integer | 86400 |
11 | components.pageRendererMiddleware.cache | boolean | 1 |
12 | components.pageRendererMiddleware.cacheTTL | integer | 86400 |
13 | components.twigRenderer.autoescape | string | html |
14 | components.twigRenderer.cache | boolean | |
15 | components.twigRenderer.charset | string | UTF-8 |
16 | components.twigRenderer.debug | boolean | |
17 | components.twigRenderer.strictVariables | boolean | |
18 | components.urlManager.niceUrls | boolean | 1 |
19 | components.urlManager.rules.0.0 | string | recipes/category/{category} |
20 | components.urlManager.rules.0.1 | string | recipes |
21 | enabledPlugins | string | simplesearch,simplecontact |
22 | enabledSysPlugins | string | twig,imagine,markdown |
23 | fileExtensions.layouts | string | twig |
24 | fileExtensions.pages | string | htm,html,markdown,md,rss,rst,textile,txt,xml |
25 | language | string | en |
26 | locale | string | en_EN |
27 | | string | / |
28 | | string | /site/data |
29 | | string | /site/media |
30 | paths.pages | string | /site/pages |
31 | paths.plugins | string | /site/extend/plugins |
32 | | string | /site |
33 | paths.themes | string | /site/themes |
34 | paths.web | string | /web |
35 | plugins.CORE.enableTwigInLayoutFilter | boolean | 1 |
36 | plugins.CORE.enableTwigInSegmentFilter | boolean | 1 |
37 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathApplicationMiddlewares | string | /site/extend/middlewares_app |
38 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathConsoleCommands | string | /site/extend/commands |
39 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathEventListeners | string | /site/extend/events |
40 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathRouteMiddlewares | string | /site/extend/middlewares_route |
41 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathTwigFilters | string | /site/extend/twig_filters |
42 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathTwigFunctions | string | /site/extend/twig_functions |
43 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathTwigGlobals | string | /site/extend/twig_globals |
44 | plugins.LOCAL_EXT.pathTwigTests | string | /site/extend/twig_tests |
45 | plugins.dummy.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
46 | plugins.dummy.location | string | system |
47 | plugins.dummy.pluginClass | string | herbie\sysplugins\dummy\DummySysPlugin |
48 | plugins.dummy.pluginName | string | dummy |
49 | plugins.dummy.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/dummy |
50 | plugins.imagine.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
51 | plugins.imagine.cachePath | string | cache/imagine |
52 | plugins.imagine.collections.default.filters.thumbnail.mode | string | outbound |
53 | plugins.imagine.collections.default.filters.thumbnail.size.0 | integer | 360 |
54 | plugins.imagine.collections.default.filters.thumbnail.size.1 | integer | 240 |
55 | plugins.imagine.collections.default.test | boolean | 1 |
56 | plugins.imagine.location | string | system |
57 | plugins.imagine.pluginClass | string | herbie\sysplugins\imagine\ImagineSysPlugin |
58 | plugins.imagine.pluginName | string | imagine |
59 | plugins.imagine.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/imagine |
60 | plugins.markdown.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
61 | plugins.markdown.enableTwigFilter | boolean | 1 |
62 | plugins.markdown.enableTwigFunction | boolean | 1 |
63 | plugins.markdown.location | string | system |
64 | plugins.markdown.pluginClass | string | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin |
65 | plugins.markdown.pluginName | string | markdown |
66 | plugins.markdown.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/markdown |
67 | | integer | 2 |
68 | | boolean | 1 |
69 | | boolean | 1 |
70 | | string | system |
71 | | string | herbie\sysplugins\rest\RestSysPlugin |
72 | | string | rest |
73 | | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/rest |
74 | plugins.simplecontact.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
75 | plugins.simplecontact.config.recipient | string | ~filtered~ |
76 | plugins.simplecontact.config.template | NULL | |
77 | plugins.simplecontact.location | string | composer |
78 | plugins.simplecontact.pluginClass | string | SimplecontactPlugin |
79 | plugins.simplecontact.pluginName | string | simplecontact |
80 | plugins.simplecontact.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/plugin-simplecontact |
81 | plugins.simplesearch.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
82 | plugins.simplesearch.config.formTemplate | NULL | |
83 | plugins.simplesearch.config.resultsTemplate | NULL | |
84 | plugins.simplesearch.config.usePageCache | boolean | 1 |
85 | plugins.simplesearch.location | string | composer |
86 | plugins.simplesearch.pluginClass | string | SimplesearchPlugin |
87 | plugins.simplesearch.pluginName | string | simplesearch |
88 | plugins.simplesearch.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/plugin-simplesearch |
89 | plugins.textile.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
90 | plugins.textile.enableTwigFilter | boolean | 1 |
91 | plugins.textile.enableTwigFunction | boolean | 1 |
92 | plugins.textile.location | string | system |
93 | plugins.textile.pluginClass | string | herbie\sysplugins\textile\TextileSysPlugin |
94 | plugins.textile.pluginName | string | textile |
95 | plugins.textile.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/textile |
96 | plugins.twig.apiVersion | integer | 2 |
97 | plugins.twig.location | string | system |
98 | plugins.twig.pluginClass | string | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigPlugin |
99 | plugins.twig.pluginName | string | twig |
100 | plugins.twig.pluginPath | string | /vendor/getherbie/herbie/plugins/twig |
101 | theme | string | default |
102 | | string | /media |
103 | urls.web | string | / |
Translations (24)
Loaded translations for current language, ordered by key.
# | Category | Key | Translation (en) |
1 | app | First page | First page |
2 | app | Herbie CMS | Herbie CMS |
3 | app | Last page | Last page |
4 | app | Next page | Next page |
5 | app | Plugin {plugin} enabled but not found. | Plugin "{plugin}" enabled but not found! |
6 | app | Previous page | Previous page |
7 | app | There are no entries available. | There are no entries available. |
8 | simplecontact | backToForm | Back to form |
9 | simplecontact | buttonReset | Reset form |
10 | simplecontact | buttonSubmit | Send form |
11 | simplecontact | errorEmptyField | This is a required field |
12 | simplecontact | errorInvalidEmail | The entered email is invalid |
13 | simplecontact | labelAntispam | Your first name |
14 | simplecontact | labelEmail | Your email |
15 | simplecontact | labelMessage | Your message |
16 | simplecontact | labelName | Your name |
17 | simplecontact | mailSubject | Contact form |
18 | simplecontact | messageError | Oops! There's a problem. Please complete the form and try again. |
19 | simplecontact | messageFailed | Oops! Something went wrong. The message could not be delivered. |
20 | simplecontact | messageSuccessful | Thank you very much! Your message was sent successfully. |
21 | simplesearch | countResultsFound | {count} results found. |
22 | simplesearch | noResultsFoundForQuery | No results found for '{query}'. |
23 | simplesearch | pleaseEnterASearchTerm | Please enter a search term. |
24 | simplesearch | search | Search |
Event Listeners (17)
Handled runtime events, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Priority | Type | Callable |
1 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
2 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigPlugin->onTwigInitialized |
3 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
4 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
5 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
6 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
7 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
8 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
9 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
10 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
11 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
12 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\PluginManager--herbie\{closure} |
13 | herbie\events\RenderLayoutEvent | 1 | method | herbie\CorePlugin->onRenderLayout |
14 | herbie\events\RenderPageEvent | 1 | method | herbie\CorePlugin->onRenderPage |
15 | herbie\events\RenderSegmentEvent | 1 | method | herbie\CorePlugin->onRenderSegment |
16 | herbie\events\RenderSegmentEvent | 1 | method | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin->onRenderSegment |
17 | herbie\events\RenderSegmentEvent | 1 | closure | herbie\LocalExtensionsPlugin--{closure} |
Middlewares (4)
Attached middlewares, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Callable |
1 | herbie\middlewares\ErrorHandlerMiddleware | APP | - |
2 | herbie\middlewares\PageResolverMiddleware | APP | - |
3 | herbie\middlewares\DownloadMiddleware | APP | - |
4 | herbie\middlewares\PageRendererMiddleware | APP | - |
PHP Classes (45)
Parsed runtime PHP classes, ordered by name.
# | Name |
1 | herbie\AbstractEvent |
2 | herbie\Alias |
3 | herbie\Application |
4 | herbie\ApplicationExtensionsPlugin |
5 | herbie\ApplicationPaths |
6 | herbie\Assets |
7 | herbie\Config |
8 | herbie\Container |
9 | herbie\ContainerBuilder |
10 | herbie\CorePlugin |
11 | herbie\EventManager |
12 | herbie\FileCache |
13 | herbie\FileLogger |
14 | herbie\Finder |
15 | herbie\FlatFilePagePersistence |
16 | herbie\FlatFilePageRepository |
17 | herbie\InstallablePlugin |
18 | herbie\LocalExtensionsPlugin |
19 | herbie\MiddlewareDispatcher |
20 | herbie\Page |
21 | herbie\PageFactory |
22 | herbie\PageList |
23 | herbie\Plugin |
24 | herbie\PluginManager |
25 | herbie\Site |
26 | herbie\SystemInfoPlugin |
27 | herbie\Translator |
28 | herbie\TwigRenderer |
29 | herbie\TwigStringLoader |
30 | herbie\UncaughtExceptionHandler |
31 | herbie\UrlManager |
32 | herbie\YamlDataRepository |
33 | herbie\events\PluginsInitializedEvent |
34 | herbie\events\RenderPageEvent |
35 | herbie\events\RenderSegmentEvent |
36 | herbie\events\TranslatorInitializedEvent |
37 | herbie\events\TwigInitializedEvent |
38 | herbie\middlewares\DownloadMiddleware |
39 | herbie\middlewares\ErrorHandlerMiddleware |
40 | herbie\middlewares\PageRendererMiddleware |
41 | herbie\middlewares\PageResolverMiddleware |
42 | herbie\sysplugins\imagine\ImagineSysPlugin |
43 | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin |
44 | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension |
45 | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigPlugin |
PHP Functions (30)
Parsed runtime PHP functions, ordered by name.
# | Name |
1 | herbie\array_is_assoc |
2 | herbie\composer_package_installed |
3 | herbie\date_format |
4 | herbie\defined_classes |
5 | herbie\defined_constants |
6 | herbie\defined_functions |
7 | herbie\di_class_whitelist |
8 | herbie\di_constructor_params_from_container |
9 | herbie\file_mtime |
10 | herbie\file_read |
11 | herbie\file_size |
12 | herbie\get_callable_name |
13 | herbie\get_type |
14 | herbie\handle_internal_webserver_assets |
15 | herbie\is_digit |
16 | herbie\is_natural |
17 | herbie\load_composer_plugin_configs |
18 | herbie\load_php_config |
19 | herbie\load_plugin_config |
20 | herbie\load_plugin_configs |
21 | herbie\path_normalize |
22 | herbie\recursive_array_replace |
23 | herbie\render_exception |
24 | herbie\str_explode_filtered |
25 | herbie\str_leading_slash |
26 | herbie\str_trailing_slash |
27 | herbie\str_unleading_slash |
28 | herbie\str_untrailing_slash |
29 | herbie\time_format |
30 | herbie\time_from_string |
Plugins (9)
Attached plugins, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Class |
1 | CORE | virtual | herbie\CorePlugin |
2 | twig | system | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigPlugin |
3 | imagine | system | herbie\sysplugins\imagine\ImagineSysPlugin |
4 | markdown | system | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin |
5 | simplesearch | composer | SimplesearchPlugin |
6 | simplecontact | composer | SimplecontactPlugin |
7 | LOCAL_EXT | virtual | herbie\LocalExtensionsPlugin |
8 | APP_EXT | virtual | herbie\ApplicationExtensionsPlugin |
9 | SYS_INFO | virtual | herbie\SystemInfoPlugin |
Twig Filters (42)
Attached Twig filters, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Callable |
1 | date | function | twig_date_format_filter |
2 | date_modify | function | twig_date_modify_filter |
3 | format | function | twig_sprintf |
4 | replace | function | twig_replace_filter |
5 | number_format | function | twig_number_format_filter |
6 | abs | function | abs |
7 | round | function | twig_round |
8 | url_encode | function | twig_urlencode_filter |
9 | json_encode | function | json_encode |
10 | convert_encoding | function | twig_convert_encoding |
11 | title | function | twig_title_string_filter |
12 | capitalize | function | twig_capitalize_string_filter |
13 | upper | function | twig_upper_filter |
14 | lower | function | twig_lower_filter |
15 | striptags | function | twig_striptags |
16 | trim | function | twig_trim_filter |
17 | nl2br | function | twig_nl2br |
18 | spaceless | function | twig_spaceless |
19 | join | function | twig_join_filter |
20 | split | function | twig_split_filter |
21 | sort | function | twig_sort_filter |
22 | merge | function | twig_array_merge |
23 | batch | function | twig_array_batch |
24 | column | function | twig_array_column |
25 | filter | function | twig_array_filter |
26 | map | function | twig_array_map |
27 | reduce | function | twig_array_reduce |
28 | reverse | function | twig_reverse_filter |
29 | length | function | twig_length_filter |
30 | slice | function | twig_slice |
31 | first | function | twig_first |
32 | last | function | twig_last |
33 | default | function | _twig_default_filter |
34 | keys | function | twig_get_array_keys_filter |
35 | escape | function | twig_escape_filter |
36 | e | function | twig_escape_filter |
37 | raw | function | twig_raw_filter |
38 | format_size | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->filterFilesize |
39 | slugify | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->filterSlugify |
40 | visible | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->filterVisible |
41 | imagine | method | herbie\sysplugins\imagine\ImagineSysPlugin->imagineFilter |
42 | markdown | method | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin->parseMarkdown |
Twig Globals (2)
Attached Twig globals, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Value |
1 | page | class | herbie\Page |
2 | site | class | herbie\Site |
Twig Functions (40)
Attached Twig functions, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Callable |
1 | max | function | max |
2 | min | function | min |
3 | range | function | range |
4 | constant | function | twig_constant |
5 | cycle | function | twig_cycle |
6 | random | function | twig_random |
7 | date | function | twig_date_converter |
8 | include | function | twig_include |
9 | source | function | twig_source |
10 | css_add | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->cssAdd |
11 | css_classes | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->cssClasses |
12 | css_out | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->cssOut |
13 | image | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->image |
14 | js_add | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->jsAdd |
15 | js_out | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->jsOut |
16 | link_file | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->linkFile |
17 | link_mail | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->linkMail |
18 | link_media | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->linkMedia |
19 | link_page | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->linkPage |
20 | menu_ascii_tree | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuAsciiTree |
21 | menu_breadcrumb | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuBreadcrumb |
22 | menu_list | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuList |
23 | menu_pager | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuPager |
24 | menu_sitemap | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuSitemap |
25 | menu_tree | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->menuTree |
26 | page_title | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->pageTitle |
27 | query | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->query |
28 | snippet | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->snippet |
29 | translate | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->translate |
30 | url_rel | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->urlRelative |
31 | url_abs | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->urlAbsolute |
32 | herbie_debug | method | herbie\CorePlugin->herbieDebug |
33 | imagine | method | herbie\sysplugins\imagine\ImagineSysPlugin->imagineFunction |
34 | markdown | method | herbie\sysplugins\markdown\MarkdownSysPlugin->parseMarkdown |
35 | simplesearch_results | method | SimplesearchPlugin->results |
36 | simplesearch_form | method | SimplesearchPlugin->form |
37 | simplecontact | method | SimplecontactPlugin->simplecontact |
38 | git_commits | closure | herbie\LocalExtensionsPlugin--herbie\website\site\extend\twig_functions\{closure} |
39 | icon | closure | herbie\LocalExtensionsPlugin--herbie\website\site\extend\twig_functions\{closure} |
40 | herbie_info | method | herbie\SystemInfoPlugin->herbieInfo |
Twig Tests (12)
Attached Twig tests, ordered by installation time.
# | Name | Type | Callable |
1 | even | function | even |
2 | odd | function | odd |
3 | defined | function | defined |
4 | same as | function | same as |
5 | none | function | none |
6 | null | function | null |
7 | divisible by | function | divisible by |
8 | constant | function | constant |
9 | empty | function | twig_test_empty |
10 | iterable | function | twig_test_iterable |
11 | file_readable | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->testIsReadable |
12 | file_writable | method | herbie\sysplugins\twig\TwigExtension->testIsWritable |