Structure of a page

In the previous chapters it was explained that a page corresponds to a text file in the page directory. In the simplest case, a text file looks something like this:

title: A simple page

The content about the simple page.

Herbie creates a page title and adds the text to the default content segment below the page properties.

Named content segments

Unfortunately, most websites are not that simple. Usually they are based on multi-column layouts that you want to fill independently. This can be achieved with Herbie by using named content segments. A named content segment is defined with three minus signs followed by a string and another three minus signs, for example:

--- sidebar ---

The following text is then assigned to the content segment with ID sidebar. Let's look at a slightly more complicated example:

title: A page with content segments

Content is assigned to the default segment.

--- left ---

Content is assigned to the left segment.

--- right ---

Content is assigned to the right segment.

With this simple rule you can fill content of a page into several containers and address them within the layout. In this way, more complex layouts can be handled even with simple text files.

Render content segments in layout

In layout files content segments are rendered using a global content object.

{{ content.default }}

The content object expects the segment ID as the key name. If no segment was specified in the page file, the default name must be used.

    <div class="segment-default">
        {{ content.default }}
    <div class="segment-left">
        {{ content.left }}
    <div class="segment-right">
        {{ content.right }}

An illustrative example can also be found in the website repository at GitHub.